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ABOUT our patented vent system

Double T Construction LTD has developed and patented a revolutionary venting system for onion and potato storage sheds. Here are a few reason why this venting system can be a benefit to you:

INSTALLATION of our vent system

Double T Construction LTD installs several onion storage sheds each year. We have developed a workflow that enables us to produce these storage sheds to the highest construction standards and enable our patented system to perform to specifications.

We are located in Walla Walla, Washington, one of the our country's onion capitols. If you would like to get an estimate or learn more about our patented vent system, please contact us.

Our patented vents used in the potato and onion concrete floors
Our patented vent up close
Air floor ventilation system for potato and onion storages and sheds
Air floor ventilation system for concrete floors on potato and onion storages and sheds
Grading for the air ventilated concrete slab for potato storage shed
Pumping onion and potato storage pony walls
Pumping on concrete air floor for potato or onion shed
Redoing the slab in existing shed to put in air floor ventilation system for onion or potato storage shed
Storage shed concrete slab
Concrete air floor for potato or onion storage shed
Onion storage with air floor
Onion storage full of onions with air floor ventilation system

(509) 529-4898

1120 W Moore St
Walla Walla, WA 99362

Contractor's Licenses

OR State: 113389
ID State: RCE-39014

© 2025 Double T Construction LTD

by Rapidfyre